Any time you spend an extended amount of time in one place, walking around every day with your camera in hand, diligently documenting the in’s and out’s of everyday life, you are bound to end up with a lot of photos, especially if that place is somewhere as unique as the South Pole.
Together, Kacey and I took 10145 photos over a period of three and a half months of living and working in Antarctica. After countless hours of editing, those 10 thousand were whittled down to the approximately twelve hundred that we have provided on our website as part of the numerous stories and blogs we have posted about life at the South Pole. Inevitable, we ended up with quite a few fun photos that didn’t really fit well into a dedicated blog post, but, we still want to share them with you.
A lot of these are random pictures of our friends, some are just of us, and others are of peculiar shots that caught our eye, like the actual medal given to one of Scotts surviving crew members of his ill-fated expedition, or the time that a girl arrived at the pole by bicycle as crazy as that sounds, and closing out the group of photos, the most amazing sun-dog we had seen all season.
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